
Social Media Channels : 

Social media is one of the means that has benefited from Internet services as it transforms communications into an interactive dialogue. They are a group of applications that have enabled the Ministry of Education to interact and directly reach the target audience. These means are also considered a basis for the Ministry to provide information and news with a high level of reliability and constructive interaction. These means have helped to identify the desires of the public, their reactions to issues and developments, and the decisions issued by the Ministry for the purpose of continuous development and improvement.​

The Ministry's social media channels can be accessed through the following links:

The Ministry's social media channels have achieved:

  1. A closer relationship between the ministry and its audience, as well as the removal of barriers to communication between the ministry and its target audience.​
  2. Expanding opportunities for participation in expressing an opinion and opening doors for the exchange of opinions and comments
  3. Fast and timely transmission of the ministry's news
  4. The ease with which provided content can be shared via social media channels.
  5. Promoting social participation among the target audience by submitting educational issues of public interest to a public referendum.

The use of the Ministry's social networking accounts is subject to
the general policies, procedures, conditions, and controls of the Ministry of Education's Governance
and Regulation Guide for the Use of Social Media Accounts.​