The Ministry has provided a comprehensive guide through which all beneficiaries can access the available services, specifying working hours and communication methods, with the aim of conveying the beneficiary's voice to all officials in the Ministry's sectors, universities and education departments, and striving to achieve their demands in accordance with the 2030 Vision with its objectives related to enhancing transparency in all government sectors, supporting communication channels with citizens and the business community, and ensuring that government agencies respond to their customers' comments, emanating from the third axis "An Ambitious Nation" and within the National Transformation Program 2020, which helps in achieving the goals that stipulate improving basic education outcomes, and improving the ranking of educational institutions emanating from the second axis of the Vision "A Thriving Economy" and within the Saudi Personality Enhancement Program.
Tawasul services operate electronically to provide services to all beneficiaries. The system is managed through a smart system that ensures transparency and the right to object for the beneficiary, with an automatic electronic escalation mechanism according to the structure of the ministry, with follow-up and improvement of all requests to ensure good and quality performance and measure the extent of beneficiary satisfaction by a team at the Beneficiary Care Center, in addition to providing support and training to service coordinators in the departments, and a follow-up and monitoring unit to provide stakeholders from ministry officials in sectors and departments with periodic reports and statistics on the most prominent issues in the field and to indicate the source of the defect and shortcomings, which helps in making the right decision.
All channels of communication with the ministry can be accessed via the following direct links: