
​Research and Innovation are Two Key Elements in Achieving Vision 2030​:

The Ministry of Education is working to build an integrated system for research, innovation, and effective entrepreneurship that makes sustainable growth possible through the active participation and empowerment of the relevant authorities through policies and legislation, and by providing support in all its forms in order to achieve the national goals.
This came from the ministry's belief that research and innovation are vital elements that help achieve long-term goals, especially those embodied in the Kingdom's Vision 2030. In light of this extremely important impact, the Ministry has set goals that it seeks to achieve, the most important of which is to work on making the Kingdom be among the top 10 countries in ​the Global Competitiveness Index by the year 2030. Especially since there are two basic components of the Global Competitiveness Index that are directly related to research and development and can be improved by increasing the ability to compete in research and innovation. The Ministry also seeks, through supporting research and innovation, to achieve the presence of at least five Saudi universities among the top 200 universities in the international rankings. This requires the achievement of high-quality and impactful research in Saudi universities.

To achieve these goals, the Ministry is working to support research and innovation efforts in universities and across national industries in a way that contributes to stimulating research, knowledge production, social development, economic development, and private sector participation. The Ministry has directed more support to universities in developing their research infrastructure and cooperating with other partners in the research and innovation system.