TAWASUL Yesser is an e-service launched by the Ministry of Education. It is designed to build communication channels with citizens on all issues relating to the education process, including proposals, inquiries, and beneficiaries' complaints.
These issues are followed-up through an e-system either by the Minister or the relevant authorities. If the issue is not within the competence of the administration, the Ministry is obligated to refer it to the relevant authority and inform them of the appropriate response.
Access to TAWASUL service
The service is linked to an e-system where the ticket is electronically submitted from the beneficiary to the Minister's office to be reviewed by specialists in the office. It is electronically referred to the competent authorities within the Ministry or education departments and copied to the Minister.
The relevant authority receives the ticket, and appropriate action is taken. Then, the beneficiary is notified of the ticket number via a text message and e-mail. The beneficiary can inquire about the ticket using its number, the identity number, or the beneficiary's cell phone number.
The service is geared to achieve the most efficient communication between the beneficiary and the in-charge staff member to serve the beneficiaries best.
أضف السبب (اختر من خيار واحد إلى خياران)
الرجاء اختيار سببان كحد أعلى
هذا الحقل مطلوب
الرجاء كتابة نص صحيح
الملاحظات يجب ان تكون اقل من ٢٥٠ حرف