Reporting Corruption
Reporting of corruption is an electronic service that allows a beneficiary to report any case of administrative or financial corruption detected in any organization falling within the jurisdiction of the Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority NAZAHA. The commission will attempt to ascertain the verity or lack thereof of any allegation of corruption connected to entities within its jurisdiction, or will otherwise refer the case to another competent oversight authority (Administrative Investigations, or Control and Investigations Board or others).
This service could be availed of by following the steps hereunder:
أضف السبب (اختر من خيار واحد إلى خياران)
الرجاء اختيار سببان كحد أعلى
هذا الحقل مطلوب
الرجاء كتابة نص صحيح
الملاحظات يجب ان تكون اقل من ٢٥٠ حرف