
​​Technical and Vocational Education:

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been concerned with the rehabilitation and preparation of labor power in the technical and vocational fields by integrating all areas of technical and vocational training in the Kingdom under one umbrella, which is the " Technical and Vocational Training Corporation " (TVTC). The Minister of Education chairs its board of directors based on the Resolution No. (469), dated 7/20/1438 AH.

The TVTC is working on developing technical and technical programs and developing human resources in line with the country’s need to meet the needs of the business sector. As a result, the need arose to find highly qualified national cadres capable of ad​vancing the requirements of the country's ambitious development plans.

These efforts have culminated with the issuance of the noble Royal Decree No. 7/H/5267 dated 7/3/1403 AH, which includes the need to pay attention to technical education at the level of technical colleges. 

In addition, the royal approval for the bachelor’s program came on 10/6/1409 AH, whereby the approval stated, "the corporation shall develop the Riyadh Technical College and extend the study period to four years in order to grant a bachelor’s degree in technical engineering." 

The TVTC has also expanded the Applied Technical Bachelor’s Program in training plans due to the business sector’s need for high qualifications to build leadership capabilities in technical and vocational fields.

In continuation of the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation’s approach to achieving the principle of gender equality in education and learning opportunities, a cabinet decision was issued on 3/4/1426 AH. It included adding the vocational training sector for girls to the corporation, establishing special technical colleges for girls, and focusing on vocational training programs that are suitable for women and enable them to get a suitable job after graduation.
The TVTC has worked on developing training programs that focus on skills and operational efficiency. It has also attracted the best international experience in the field of technical training to operate the international colleges and institutes of strategic partnerships and to build the capacities of existing colleges to raise the quality of training and to make optimal use of human and financial resources available to contribute to providing distinguished quality training​.​

The TVTC website ​link