International Tests:
The TIMSS international study aims to determine the levels of students in the fourth and eighth grades in the concepts they have learned in science and mathematics. The IEA compares the results of these tests between the participating countries. The acronym TIMSS is defined as the Trends of International Mathematics and Science Studies, which means global trends in academic achievement in mathematics and science. These tests were implemented in their current format under the name TIMSS for the first time in 1995. They are held periodically every 4 years, and the last application of these tests was in 2019 with the participation of more than 60 countries. The tests were conducted for the first time in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2003. Then, it participated in successive sessions in the years (2007, 2011, 2015, and 2019).
The tests are conducted and supervised by International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA).
The participating countries contribute to the preparation of the general framework of the tests and the formulation of their content under the supervision and management of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). Each participating country is also responsible for translating and adapting the content of the tools and implementing tests on the sample schools representing the state. The study tools can be limited as follows:
Each country works on translating and adapting the tools under the supervision and management of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The Ministry also undertakes the implementation of the study on the schools of the candidate sample through a questionnaire for the school leader and another for the schoolteacher. The duration of each questionnaire ranges between 45 and 60 minutes and contains about 60 main multiple-choice questions.
The participating countries are working on preparing the overall framework for the tests and formulating their content under the supervision and management of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). Each country is also responsible for translating and adapting the tools' content, as well as administering the tests to a representative sample of schools in their country. These tools are:
Each country works on translating and adapting the content of the tools under the supervision and management of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and is responsible for implementing the tests on the students and the candidate sample schools. those tools include:
In each session, the organization focuses on one of these areas with 70% (for example, mathematics in 2022 AD), and the remaining 15% for each.
The study provides multiple choices for surveys, and the Ministry will participate in the following surveys:
أضف السبب (اختر من خيار واحد إلى خياران)
الرجاء اختيار سببان كحد أعلى
هذا الحقل مطلوب
الرجاء كتابة نص صحيح
الملاحظات يجب ان تكون اقل من ٢٥٠ حرف