Minister of Education Participates in the G20 Education Ministers’ Meeting




His Excel​lency the Minister of Education, Dr. Hamad Al-Sheikh, participates in the G20 Education Ministers’ meeting.
Under the Indonesian presidency, the ministerial meeting addresses a number of priorities, regarding strengthening the commitment to provide inclusive, equitable, and high-quality education.
The meeting focuses on four agenda items; the first is reviewing the main strategies to overcome the rapid increase of inequality and educational poverty. Second on the agenda is discussing possible strategies and policies for the use of digital technologies in education.  Moreover, the third agenda item is achieving quality and inclusiveness in education by solidarity and partnerships reviews of the successful aspects of cooperation between the various sectors locally and internationally. Lastly, the fourth item is focusing on the future of the labor market after COVID-19.
The meeting is a continuation of the efforts of the G20’s Education Working Group. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia played a crucial role by reintroducing the group to the summit agenda under the Kingdom’s presidency in 2020. The group’s successful efforts confirm the Member States’ commitment to education.


9/3/2022 6:59 PM