Green Government
The Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is committed to provide natural resources as environmentally friendly through the presence of smart buildings, electricity, systems for extinguishing devices and archiving, electronic transactions, electronic updates (email text) with an emphasis on a world without paper. The Ministry pays great attention to the concept of environmental friendliness that it obtained the Silver Certificate and approved its building as the first smart government building in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from the American Smart Buildings Institute (an independent, non-profit entity).
The concept of environmental friendliness includes many practices, technologies and concepts that make protecting the environment part of an individual's personality and daily behavior. Such as, searching for renewable and alternative energy sources then using them, limiting the consumption of non-renewable vital resources and reducing gas emissions and global warming. The Ministry has drawn up laws and taken a number of measures and initiatives that establish the concept of environmental friendliness.
The Ministry's smart building contains many technologies that help protecting the environment. Such as, making use of alternative energy sources, central electronic control of energy consumption, lighting and air conditioning, ideally during official working hours, and the almost complete suspension of their consumption outside working hours. These practices helped achieving the Silver Certificate and approved to make it smart building from the American Institute of Smart Buildings.
أضف السبب (اختر من خيار واحد إلى خياران)
الرجاء اختيار سببان كحد أعلى
هذا الحقل مطلوب
الرجاء كتابة نص صحيح
الملاحظات يجب ان تكون اقل من ٢٥٠ حرف